We break our tradition of not publicizing our client work to congratulate the leadership of both Boku and mopay AG on today combining to create the world leader; Magister advised mopay on the transaction. We don’t often get to work on a deal which creates a real world market leader, reaching 5 billion mobile users in 80+ countries.
This kind of scale is needed to bring the convenience of carrier billing (click to pay and you are charged on your mobile bill) into the mainstream, and dramatically broaden its appeal.
Payments is being disrupted everywhere, and this week we have seen Square reach $6B in value, and PayPal being spun off to compete more aggressively in this market, coming fast on the heels of Apple Pay. In our view the next 10 years will see a sea-change in how payments are handled, and clear world leaders will emerge in different segments.
Incumbents will become very active in acquiring potential disruptors, and more category leaders will be created.
We also break our tradition to note this is the firm’s 19th transaction since our founding, creating over $2B in wealth for European growth company founders and investors.
Posted by Victor Basta @MaExits